Post Bethune shoot. Have a divider, which the art dept. installed. So there's 2 rooms, ostensibly a drawing room/office and the painting studio. Bought a spiffy new easle at the Art Co-op yesterday, and primed about 6 larger panels so everything's spiffy and organized and ready to go. Think I'll embark on the "cottage envy" series. A series of landscapes, portraits, cottage images from the present -- gull lake, canning lake, etc. and the past, from D's Pasley Island cottage in the West Coast, and the Cedarville, Township cottages. The timelessness of fishing, canoing, dogs jumping off wharfs, sunbathing, G+T's. The status + snobbery of the perfect cottage vs the hoi poloi's campsites/trailerparks. Summer bling fling.