This from "" American blog. What we're going to get with the Harper Valley PTA. Discrimination of Homosexuals, Scrapping free health care for all Canadians, making you pay for all medical needs. Make us like the Americans where over 45 million US citizens have NO HEALTH COVERAGE! And where nearly half of all personal bankruptcies are the result of medical expenses. The elimination of Canada’s social safety net, Erosion of rights for minority groups, Forcing Christian religion back into public schools, Public school science books will be replaced with the bible, Taking away a women’s rights to choose over her own body,Following the Americans into every war, thereby getting innocent Canadian soldiers killed unnecessarily, Help restart the cold war by joining the Americans in “Ballistic Missile Defense”, Having to hear Stephen Harper try and sound like George W. Bush with his nauseating “God Bless Canada”, Having rednecks control the government and the future of Canada, Preston Manning as our Ambassador to the United States, Stephen Harper will be campaigning in Air force 2, Having to get Canada's laws approved by Congress, Elimination or Privatization of Old Age Security and Canada Pension Funds Emulation of George Bush's "faith based initiatives", The politicization of science and the destruction of scientific integrity, Removal of the theory of evolution, the unifying principle of biology, from the educational curriculum, Like Pastor Stockwell Day, the Flinstones will be shown as a documentary,Will make Canada into a Theocracy, thereby making Iran look good. The following sugestions have been put forward by our readers A dramatic speed up in the Americanization of Canadians. Patriot Act 111 eh! Triple the amount of homeless people - maybe you! Gleeful corporations will abound. A privatized CBC - everything privatized for that matter. The further dumbing down of our children - 'every child left behind'. More investments in the U.S. military by the Canadian Pension Plan. Cases like Mahar Arar's will be commonplace. American Intelligence services will replace the RCMP and CSIS (probably already have). Ten-fold increases of foreign takeovers financed by Canadian banks. The Council of Chief Executives will become the Senate. The Fraser Institute, C. D. Howe etc. will fold as they will no longer be needed (mission accomplished). Brian Mulroney and Mike Harris will give thanks daily at the grave of Leo Strauss. The end of the middle class The erasure of the border and the country Goodbye Alberta, Goodbye Quebec and Goodbye Canada!