more days to check out Visual Arts Show. Buying art brings you luck. (Especially if you are the artist.) In any case, just finished submitting 7 count them 7 different photographic projects to Le Mois de la Photo à Montréal 2007...for my own edification, they are 1)"Stay Tuned","fragments of different forms of different televised narratives", 2)"TransCanadaRoad Trip "at one time contemporary documents, are transformed by the passage of time and (art) history to artifacts – “vintage conceptual art” , 3)"Artifacts "exploring accidental correspondences between specific everyday objects and contemporary art -- installations, outdoor sculpture, graffiti, etc. – suggesting an alternate explanation/narrative by imbuing the “artworks” with aesthetic values, intentionality, an art-historical context and fictional or imagined creators. 4)"TV Women"-- a revisitation of the image of woman on television in 1976 thirty years later, examining the idea of (re)presentation of gender roles, history in terms of fashion and style, and “progress” as part of a teleological narrative...5)"Binos"" By overlaying the implied objectivity of the documentary tradition with a subjective cinematographic style, the city is transformed from a static subject to a film set, the focus for mystery, romance, fantasy, imagination – an alternative fictional narrative..."6)"The Big Owe"."about the memory of an unseen event" + lastly...7)"Endless Flame" endless loop of an Olympic Flame runner bearing the mythologically charged flame down Sherbrooke St. Whew. Thanks mucho to brainy art minded D + friends for helping me intellectualize stuff I make viscerally...Don't find out until next December if any projects accepted.