+ the other day a friend, American, asked me why I was always posting stuff about this Heartland show they never heard of on my blog. Well, 2 reasons. One, it's a good show, not in the "Mean World Syndrome. A phenomenon where the violence-related content of mass media convinces viewers that the world is more dangerous than it actually is, and prompts a desire for more protection than is warranted by any actual threat.[1] Mean World Syndrome is one of the main conclusions of cultivation theory. The term "Mean World Syndrome" was coined by George Gerbner, a pioneer researcher on the effects of television on society, when he noted that people who watched a lot of TV tended to think of the world as an unforgiving and scary place. [2]"read more about that here. Two, my husband works on it and more people should watch it. Hopefully it will play in the US at some point and then everyone can see this show about a young woman, a "horse whisperer" of sorts and her family + friends + foes in the heartland of beautiful Alberta, not so far from the amazing Rocky Mountains.
one of the few shows on Canadian tv a family can watch together (without parents gagging). And by family I include inner city hipster families. Def not a contributor to "mean world syndrome."